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Oak and Granite Cabinet
Tool Type:
Import/Export Data:
--[[TT v1.2.3]]
set = {
{"Building Block: Blue Wood Pole", "I40AC239212A0FB19,1E545218A1B0F61C,,,,,,", 430.25653076172, 1221.1053466797, 494.626953125,
1.570796251297, -1.5707963705063, 0, 0.36346691846848},
{"Building Block: Green Wood Plank", "I40AC23904F4F7F9C,E97FC82D46AA206F,,,,,,", 430.61553955078,
1221.2067871094, 494.43911743164, -0, -0, 1.5707963705063, 1.188303232193},
{"Building Block: Granite Rectangle", "I391DEDBB37D6C62E,209FB386C9208314,,,,,,",
430.25994873047, 1220.4135742188, 494.298828125, -1.5707963705063, 1.5707963705063, 0, 1},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank",
"I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.08898925781, 1220.9272460938, 494.38739013672, -0, -0, -0, 1},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Pole",
"I36B7E40766C21D76,369A1C2AEEFD41F3,,,,,,", 431.64233398438, 1221.3447265625, 494.30068969727, -0, -0, -0, 0.25},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank",
"I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.09811401367, 1220.0704345703, 494.44659423828, -0, -0, -0, 1.1422066688538},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank",
"I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.09780883789, 1220.5662841797, 494.4443359375, -0, -0, -0, 1.1421999931335},
{"Building Block: Granite Rectangle",
"I391DEDBB37D6C62E,209FB386C9208314,,,,,,", 431.89385986328, 1220.4133300781, 494.29852294922, -1.5707963705063, 1.5707963705063, 0, 1},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 432.29107666016, 1221.1572265625, 494.45736694336, -0, -0, 1.5707967281342, 1.5096715688705},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.09283447266, 1222.7972412109, 494.45132446289, -0, -0, -0, 1.1826182603836},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Pole", "I36B7E40766C21D76,369A1C2AEEFD41F3,,,,,,", 431.64202880859, 1220.6157226563, 494.30038452148, -0, -0, -0, 0.25},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.09313964844, 1222.7149658203, 494.31405639648, 1.5707963705063, -0, -0, 1.1545119285583},
{"Building Block: Granite Rectangle", "I391DEDBB37D6C62E,209FB386C9208314,,,,,,", 430.25964355469, 1221.7974853516, 494.29852294922, -1.5707963705063, 1.5707963705063, 0,
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Pole", "I36B7E40766C21D76,369A1C2AEEFD41F3,,,,,,", 430.54843139648, 1220.6154785156, 494.3000793457, -0, -0, -0, 0.25},
{"Building Block: Green Wood Plank", "I40AC23904F4F7F9C,E97FC82D46AA206F,,,,,,", 431.08847045898, 1222.4973144531, 494.33590698242, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0,
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.12078857422, 1221.9571533203, 494.45147705078, -0, -0, -0,
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 429.75033569336, 1221.1567382813, 494.4567565918, -0, -0,
1.5707958936691, 1.5096715688705},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 429.82180786133, 1221.1569824219,
494.45706176758, -0, -0, 1.5707960128784, 1.5096715688705},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 432.21960449219,
1221.1569824219, 494.45706176758, -0, -0, 1.5707960128784, 1.5096715688705},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,",
431.12048339844, 1221.5853271484, 494.451171875, -0, -0, -0, 1.1421999931335},
{"Building Block: Green Wood Plank", "I40AC23904F4F7F9C,E97FC82D46AA206F,,,,,,",
431.50576782227, 1221.2067871094, 494.43911743164, -0, -0, 1.5707963705063, 1.188303232193},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank",
"I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.09283447266, 1219.9782714844, 494.3180847168, 1.5707963705063, -0, -0, 1.1545119285583},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.09283447266, 1222.7977294922, 494.56213378906, -0, -0, -0, 1.1826182603836},
{"Building Block: Blue Wood Pole", "I40AC239212A0FB19,1E545218A1B0F61C,,,,,,", 431.94458007813, 1221.1053466797, 494.626953125, 1.570796251297, -1.5707963705063, 0, 0.36346691846848},
"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.08489990234, 1222.3426513672, 494.4020690918, -0, -0, -0, 1},
{"Building Block: Green Wood Plank", "I40AC23904F4F7F9C,E97FC82D46AA206F,,,,,,", 431.11422729492, 1218.5516357422, 494.60107421875, -1.5707963705063, 1.5707963705063, 0,
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 429.88751220703, 1221.1567382813, 494.4567565918, -0, -0,
1.5707967281342, 1.5096715688705},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.08868408203, 1221.2183837891,
494.41833496094, -0, -0, -0, 1.1421999931335},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank", "I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 431.11804199219, 1221.1046142578,
494.34426879883, 1.5707958936691, -0, -0, 1.1236393451691},
{"Building Block: Blue Wood Pole", "I40AC239212A0FB19,1E545218A1B0F61C,,,,,,", 431.10885620117,
1221.1053466797, 494.626953125, 1.570796251297, -1.5707963705063, 0, 0.36346691846848},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Pole",
"I36B7E40766C21D76,369A1C2AEEFD41F3,,,,,,", 430.54873657227, 1221.3444824219, 494.30038452148, -0, -0, -0, 0.25},
{"Building Block: Oak Wood Plank",
"I222B45C722A64D95,BBB199BC5DAE2D19,,,,,,", 432.35678100586, 1221.1569824219, 494.45706176758, -0, -0, 1.5707963705063, 1.5096714496613},
{"Building Block: Granite Rectangle", "I391DEDBB37D6C62E,209FB386C9208314,,,,,,", 431.8935546875, 1221.7972412109, 494.29821777344, -1.5707963705063, 1.5707963705063, 0, 1}
Items needed: Granite Rectangle X 4, Blue Wood Pole X 3, Oak Wood Pole X 4, Oak Wood Plank X 16, Green Wood Plank X 4
"Dodge This."
I"m a little confused. IT doesn't match the code that's up there for the mats needed. Am i missing something?
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. I must have inadvertently put in the code for another item. I will edit the code posthaste.
"Dodge This."
So sorry for the incorrect code. I have corrected it so it should match what you see.
"Dodge This."
I get an error when I try and use the code above:
[TT] TinkerTools/Modules/Explmp.lua:239:
[string "tt_set"]:19:unfinished string near "'Building Block: Oak'
Any tips?
I know it is been awhile since you asked about the error, but did you find out what was causing it?
"Dodge This."
Fixed the error.
"Dodge This."